bill whiters - just the two of us

lagu ini, walaupun terkesan lama tapi kalau d aransemen jadi genre jazz bagus banget. pertama kali tau lagu ini d kharisma XVII yg d selenggarakan homeband UB, homeband FH (homeband dari fakultas ku dan aku jadi manager nya... hhihiihi :P ) aransemen lagu tersebut, walaupu pada lagu asli nya pake saxofon, tp lagu HB FH cuma memakai keyboard doang. dan hasil nya...................................KEREEEEEEEEEENNNNNN!!!!
musik nya sangat mengalir, suara vokalis nya juga mantab :D

di postingan ini aku cuma mau nge share lirik nya doang, kalo mau download lagu nya cari di google aje yeeee ;p

just the two of us

I see the crystal raindrops fall
And the beauty of it all
Is when the sun comes shining through
To make those rainbows in my mind
When I think of you sometime
And I want to spend some time with you

Just the two of us
We can make it if we try
Just the two of us
Just the two of us
Building castles in the sky
Just the two of us
You and I

We look for love no time for tears
Wasted water's all that is
And it don't make no flowers grow

Good things might come to those who wait
Not for those who wait too late
We gotta go for all we know


I hear the crystal raindrops fall
On the window down the hall
And it becomes the morning dew

And darling when the morning comes
And I see the morning sun
I want to be the one with you.

gimana? kalo diresapi makna nya juga bagus lhoh? cocok buat ngerayu cewek , hhahaha
cheeeers :)

Hidup itu...................

kadang menyenangkan.....
kadang menyedihkan.......
kadang munafik...............
kadang egois...................
kadang membosankan..............
adakala nya harus bersabar...............
harus menerjang semua cobaan........

tapi satu yg penting dalam hidup ini, jangan sering sekali2 berpikir untuk mengakhiri hidup ini, setiap manusia selalu memiliki cobaan, tp yakinlah jika roda kehidupan nggak selalu di bawah, pasti juga selalu diatas.... :)